
Friday, January 4, 2013


BF, "When you hear 12:00 a.m., what does that mean?"
TF, "What do you mean?"
BF, "12:00 a.m. Does that mean 12:00 a.m. in the morning or 12:00 p.m. in the afternoon?"
TF, "12:00 am in the morning, right?"
BF, "Thatʼs what I think too."

BF determined a bubble in the toilet water meant we had plumbing issues. At 9:30 p.m. he filed an online complaint on JEAʼs website. JEA quickly replied saying they would respond before “12:00 a.m.”
We both assumed the “a.m.” was a typo. We figured a JEA technician would arrive at our house before 12:00 p.m. the next day. We were wrong.
BF fell asleep before I did. I stayed awake to watch the New England Patriots try their best to beat the San Francisco 49ers. As I drifted to an uneasy sleep, I heard a loud “KNOCK - KNOCK - KNOCK” on the front door.

If thereʼs a positive comment I can write about JEA, itʼs that they respond quickly. It was nearly 11:00 p.m. when the JEA technician arrived. I quickly elbowed BF to wake up and loudly said, “Thereʼs someone at the door.”

Next thing we knew, there were three JEA trucks parked outside the house. Not only were there bright yellow flashing lights, the three technicians were forced to yell down the street to hear each other over the noisy equipment. Yikes, I hope they didnʼt wake the neighbors.

We now know there isnʼt a 12:00 am. Thereʼs 12:00 MIDNIGHT and 12:00 NOON. We also know JEA will respond within the time frame they issue.

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