
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Orange Cones are a Good Sign

A few months ago, we experienced plumbing issues with the Stinky Black Hole...
TF, "Uh, the toilet just made a noise. "
BF, "What kind of noise?"
TF, "There was a big bubble."
BF, "Turn off the washing machine! Oh crap."

BF walked around the perimeter of the house and assessed we had another sewage issue. This was a week before Christmas. We planned to host our families at our house. We had plans!

After FIVE separate JEA house calls, an extremely unpleasant Loweʼs return transaction, a replaced pump, a weekʼs worth of water rations, smelly sewage gas odors and an attorney consultation consideration, our sewage issue was resolved.

BF researched multiple reports featuring permits, codes, inspections and measurements. Weʼre not naming any names, but there was sketchy work at hand. The most important measurement learned was the 20ʼ easement right.

The 20ʼ easement right meant the issue wasnʼt our problem anymore. 
BF discovered JEAʼs service manholes were located within the 20 ft. easement in our front yard and his work was done. 

Three days after Christmas, five JEA trucks appeared on our street. FIVE trucks! One had a large back-hoe tractor sitting on its truck bed. I canʼt imagine what our neighbors were thinking as they slowly drove past the large utility trucks.

I never thought Iʼd become excited to see orange cones across the street. Orange cones meant something was going to be done!

I never thought Iʼd laugh at the sight of four men huddled around a dirt hole. The phrase, “how many guys does it take...” played in my head.

BF and I left the house to run some errands. When we returned, the JEA guys finished fixing the sewage problems.

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